Milica Jelenic

B.A Emphasis in Psychology

Mitzvah Technique Teacher

Radionics Operator

Reiki Master

The Pleasure Zone Host

People have a lot of hang-ups when it comes to sex – ones that keep us from exploring our desires and truly knowing ourselves. Just beyond our judgements, though, is a whole ocean of pleasure.

My show “The Pleasure Zone,” and my Sex & Intimacy coaching practice were born from my desire to help people put aside their judgements. I talk about sex with the world – playfully sharing information that dives into the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of sexuality. My mission is to create more pleasure in the world – one listener at a time.

My career kicked off with psychology studies at the University of Windsor, where I found myself repeatedly drawn to courses on sexuality. That’s where my fascination with all things sexual – and my direct and playful approach to sex – was born.

After graduation I explored energy work, metaphysics, homeopathy and somatic body processes, until one day, a friend’s observation abruptly changed my course. I shared some matter-of-fact advice on ideal positioning for giving a blow-job, and my friend remarked “I’ve never heard anyone talk about sex the way you do – as casually as you’d describe the best way to bake cookies.” It was a lightbulb moment for me – one that led to me being certified as a Sex & Intimacy Coach and becoming a radio, podcast and TV show host on the Inspired Choices Network.

On top of being an advocate for pleasure, I am a holistic healer with a practice built on 20+ years of word-of-mouth referrals. More often than not, clients come to me at the suggestion of someone they trust who has found success working with me.

We build long-term relationships where I ask lots of questions to get a holistic picture of their physical, mental, and emotional health. After an expansive health analysis, I design a course of treatment that draws on a wide variety of modalities. As a voracious learner, I have never specialized in any one method of healing – choosing instead to dabble in many and pursue extensive health education. My broad knowledge base serves my clients well – I draw from a toolkit that relies on bio-physics practices, somatic body work, and a variety of energy modalities as well.

When I’m not helping clients or talking sex-positivity, you’ll find me kicking back with my husband and daughter on our Southern Ontario homestead exploring whatever will bring us the most ease, joy and pleasure on any given